2024 was a year of remarkable progress for KoreLock as we focused on access control technology innovation in our firmware, mobile apps, and device-to-cloud connectivity. KoreLock's advancements have empowered our partners to introduce cutting-edge IoT Smart Lock access control products and services to the market. Join us in reviewing our milestones and as we eagerly anticipate more exciting news and developments in the year ahead.
2024 The Year in Review
KoreLock's firmware, white-label mobile apps, and device-to-cloud connectivity advancements are helping our partners bring new IoT access control technology products and services to market.
How It Works: Four New KoreLock Videos
Watch our KoreLock Technology, Wi-Fi and Mobile App Setup Videos to see the features and functionality lock manufacturers need to develop Wi-Fi direct Smart Locks.
Expanded Intelligent Lock Patent Portfolio
With KoreLock’s expanded patent portfolio, our partners can stay at the forefront of access control technology advancement, maintain a competitive edge, and differentiate their products.
Mobile App v3.0.0 and BLE Updates
Packed with exciting new features and functionality, KoreLock’s Mobile App v3.0.0 and BLE Upgrades add user and data transfer flexibility and power optimization.
Self-Service KoreLock Support Desk
KoreLock’s comprehensive Support Desk provides a user-friendly, searchable knowledge base offering extensive Smart Lock customer service information.
Rob Goff honored as a “Legend of the Lock Industry"
KoreLock Co-founder Rob Goff earned kudos for his commitment to improving access control systems, energy efficiency, and lock manufacturing.
KoreLock Inside: Looking Forward to 2025
New white-label, OEM KoreLock Smart Lock products, integrations, firmware updates, and mobile apps are now available with Unikey, PDQ, Levata, and Z9 Security. Stay tuned for more news in 2025.